Dual Turn

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Learn More About Dual Turn Windows

Dual turn windows offer a modern alternative to casement or sash windows, without compromising on performance or appearance.

They look like a classic sash window, but they operate as a modern tilt and turn window, providing security, longevity, and thermal performance.


Dual turn windows offer a modern alternative to casement or sash windows. They are both stylish and functional. They look like a classic sash window, but they function as a tilt and turn window, providing thermal, security, and longevity.


Timber is the best-insulated window product on the market, being 2000 times better than aluminium. Lasts much longer than aluminium will not corrode and can be easily repaired and restored compared to aluminium needing to be replaced completely. Timber can also be rejuvenated to suit your ever-changing décor where there are no current ways to rejuvenate an aluminium window. Timber is available in many different Species and finishes to suite your needs and environment.

Different types of dual turn windows

Dual turn windows offer many options. Like any other window, you can choose, glazing, color, noise proofing, security, and fittings. Dual windows offer an additional option of elevation. This allows you to rotate both panes in one window, or have them both fixed and one rotating. A Top Hungover can be used to fix smaller windows. You can also add bar patterns to improve the design of your window.

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